Ensuring students with disabilities are included in all policies, programs and initiatives
We partner with public and private sector leaders to build policy and investment agendas that purposefully include students with disabilities and improve outcomes for all students and families.
We use our education policy experience to help our partners explore new strategies to support state and school efforts to meet the existing and emerging needs of students.
We believe that the traditional one-size fits all system of education is not working. Both our clients and the students they serve deserve customized solutions to achieve their goals.

Karla Phillips-Krivickas is the founder of Inclusive Strategies, LLC and is one of the nation’s foremost thought leaders on education policy and reform. She was recently appointed to serve on the Arizona State Board of Education and has decades of experience in state and federal policy. In all her work, Karla channels her professional and personal experiences to passionately advocate for all students, especially those with disabilities.

Karla Phillips-Krivickas, the founder of Think Inclusion and a state board member, said she overwhelmingly hears from parents who came to the ESA system because they were not able to get the special education services they needed and are grateful to have the option of ESAs. “We are not talking about what is prompting these parents to leave public schools,” said Phillips-Krivickas, speaking as an advocate.
—Arizona Republic June 27, 2022

“Listen to what my brilliant friend Karla has to say about what to do to better support students with disabilities. Bringing her mama-bear heart to the table, she is my absolute authority on these issues.”
— Stephanie Krauss, Advocate and Author